Email on Mobile Devices

Email on Mobile Devices

Union College Technology recommends the use of the Outlook app to access your Union College email account on mobile devices.

Please follow these steps to add the Outlook app.

1. Open the trusted app store for the device on which you wish to set up the email account.

2. Search for the Microsoft Outlook app by Microsoft Corporation.

3. Install the app.

4. Once the app has been installed, open it and press “Get Started.”

5. You will be prompted to enter your email address. Enter your unionky.edu email address and press continue.

6. After you enter your email address, another authentication window will appear. In these text boxes, enter only your Union College user name (without the @unionky.edu) and your password.

7. Click Sign In.

If you are adding your Union email to a phone app like Gmail and it asks for the email server, it is: outlook.office365.com

If you have further trouble, please contact IT using the information at the bottom of the page.

Need more help?

  • 24/7 Phone: 606.546.1650
  • Email: support@unionky.edu
  • Walk-Ins: Black Technology Center Mon-Fri, 8am-4:30pm

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