Network and Cloud Storage

Network and Cloud Storage

It's always a good it to back up your data in some way. Hard drives fail. Chips burn out. If you have your stuff saved somewhere other than your local device, then this dramatically lessens the risk of you losing your stuff.


Staff and Faculty Access to Departmental Network Shares

Cloud Storage for Individuals

Staff and Faculty Access to Departmental Network Shares

Staff and some faculty may have access to shared network folders, which are usually specific to a particular department. These drives must be mapped to stay available on a Union computer. Many people commonly call their department's share by the letter that it's commonly mapped to (for example  library$ (L:)   being called the L drive). It usually does not matter which letter a share is mapped to on a person's computer, and it's at least as important to know the name of the shared folder (example:library) as it is to know the drive letter (L). 

Here is how to map network drives:

Open File Explorer
Click on This PC toward the middle of of the left sidebar
Click on Computer at the top left
Click on Map network drive at the top of the window
Choose the drive letter you would like to use from the dropdown menu
In the Folder box, put in \\uc-file\ShareName$
Make sure the Reconnect at logon box is checked
Press Enter

If a box pops up saying the drive cannot be accessed, then that means that you have not been given permission to access that share. I.T. will need to be contacted for access to be given (see contact info at the bottom of the page).

Here is what the File Explorer looks like with some network shares already mapped:

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Cloud Storage for Individuals

Everyone with a Union email account has access to cloud storage through OneDrive. Please click here for an article about OneDrive.

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Need more help?

  • 24/7 Phone: 606.546.1650
  • Email: support@unionky.edu
  • Walk-Ins: Black Technology Center Mon-Fri, 8am-4:30pm

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