How to Register for Classes

How to Register for Classes

Navigating to the Course Search Page

1. Log in to My Union at http://my.unionky.edu/ using your Union College user name and password. Note: Once you have logged in, do not use your browser’s back button to navigate or you will receive an error message.

2. Click the Current Student button.

3. Click the Course Registration button.

4. This opens the Course Search page, where you can begin the registration process.

Registration Holds

If you have any holds on your account that prevent you from registering for courses, you will receive an message stating that you cannot register. Holds must be resolved before you can register for courses. The type of hold will be specified in the message:

  • If you have an advising hold, then you will need to contact your advisor before you register for classes.
  • If you have a Business Office hold, then you will need to contact the Business Office to resolve your account issues prior to registering for classes.
  • If you have a hold from another office, such as Student Support Services, then you will need to contact the office referred to in the hold before you proceed with registration.

Click HERE to open Union College's Departments and Services page, where you will find a list of links to departmental contact information.

If you do not have any holds, you can proceed with course registration as long as the add/drop period is open.  The add/drop period status for the selected term is displayed below the current term drop-down menu on the Course Search page. Here you may also see how many hours you are registered for in the selected term, as pictured below.

Searching for a Course

1. On the Course Search page, use the search function to search for a specific course, or to browse a list of courses matching the criteria you enter into the search fields.

2. You can also click More Search Options to access an advanced course search that allows you to search by method of course delivery, course number range, meeting days, faculty names and other advanced search options.

3. Once you have entered your search criteria, click the Search button. This will return a list of courses to choose from based on your selected criteria.

Adding a Course

1. When you have found a course that you would like to add, click the checkbox under the Add column next course's name, then click the Add Courses button.

2. If you would like to view more information about the course before adding it, clicking on the course code in the list of course search results will bring up the Course Details page.

3. You can also add the course to your schedule from the Course Details page by clicking on the green plus sign next to Add this course, as shown below.

If you experience problems while attempting to register, the Registrar’s Office, Student Support Services, and the Library are all available to help.

The Registrar’s Office is open M-F, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and is located downstairs in Speed Hall. Their number is (606) 546-1610.

Need more help?

  • 24/7 Phone: 606.546.1650
  • Email: support@unionky.edu
  • Walk-Ins: Black Technology Center Mon-Fri, 8am-4:30pm

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