How to Change Your FERPA Status

How to Change Your FERPA Status

This page will give some tips about how to fill out the FERPA release form on My Union.

  1. To access the form, go to the following link and log in: FERPA Release
  2. Click the FERPA Release form.

This form is to allow selected parts of your (the student's) academic information to be shared with certain individuals you name.

Question 1: The Primary Name is the first individual's name that you wish to have access to your academic information. When filling out the name, it's a good idea to list the person's complete legal name.

Question 2: What is the first individual's relationship to you?

Question 3: Check these boxes to choose which information the first individual can request access to. 

Question 4: The Secondary Name is the second individual's name that you wish to have access to your academic information. When filling out the name, it's a good idea to list the person's complete legal name. 

Question 5: What is the second individual's relationship to you? 

Question 6: Check these boxes to choose which information the second individual can request access to. 

Question 7: This confirms that you only want the specified information shared with the listed individuals, or allows you to change your mind and not share information with anyone.

Question 8: A confirmation of your identity.

Question 9: This provides a date stamp to the form.

Need more help?

  • 24/7 Phone: 606.546.1650
  • Email: support@unionky.edu
  • Walk-Ins: Black Technology Center Mon-Fri, 8am-4:30pm

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